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This course is from Scratch Official, it is for kids who are very beginners usually aged 6:
Scratch Cards from Official

This Scratch course has 12 lessons each of which takes 45 minutes. It is for kids aged from 6 to 7.
Scratch Beginner

This Scratch course has 50 lessons which divide into 4 levels. It is for kids aged from 7 to 10.
Scratch 4 Levels(50)

This Scratch course has 96 lessons which divide into 4 levels. It is for kids aged from 7 to 10.
Scratch 4 Levels(96)

This Python course has 84 lessons which divide into 7 levels. It is for kids aged from 10 to 14
Python 7 Levels

This Python serial contains math related lessons.


This Python serial contains art related lessons.
