Python 7 Levels, L4, Unit 38, Student Information Management System, II

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print("====Student Information Management System====")
student_all = []#2 dimentional list, each item in the list is a student information
while True:
    number = input("Please pick an operation:\n"\
                   "1.Add Student\n2.Search Student\n3.Delete Student\n4.Update Student\n5.View All Student\n"
                   "6.Input Scores\n7.Total Score Ranking\n8.Ranking of One Course\n99.Quit\n")
    if number == "99":
        print("Abort system.")
    elif number == "1":
        student = []#the list for one student, containing all the information of a student
        name = input("Please input student name:")
        age = int(input("Please input student age:"))
        french = 0
        math = 0
        english = 0
        sum_score = 0
        avg_score = 0
        student_all.append(student)#add this student to the student list

        print("Name\tAge\tFrench\tMath\tEnglish\tTotal Score\tAverage Score")
        for i in student:
            print(i,end = "   \t" )
        print()#output a new line

    elif number == "2":
        name = input("Please input student name you look for:")
        for i in range(len(student_all)):
            if name in student_all[i]:
                print("Name\tAge\tFrench\tMath\tEnglish\tTotal Score\tAverage Score")
                for j in student_all[i]:
                    print(j,end = "   \t")
                print()#output a new line
            print(name," does not exist.")

    elif number == "3":
        name = input("Please input the student name to be deleted:")
        for i in range(len(student_all)):
            if name in student_all[i]:
                del student_all[i]
                print(name," has been deleted.")
            print(name," does not exist.")

    elif number == "4":
        name = input("Please input the student name to be updated:")
        for i in range(len(student_all)):
            if name in student_all[i]:
                name = input("Please input updated name:")
                age = int(input("Please input updated age:"))
                student_all[i][0] = name
                student_all[i][1] = age
                print("Update succeeds.")
                print("Name\tAge\tFrench\tMath\tEnglish\tTotal Score\tAverage Score")
                for j in student_all[i]:
                    print(j,end = "   \t")
                print()#output a new line
            print(name," does not exist.")

    elif number == "5":
        print("Name\tAge\tFrench\tMath\tEnglish\tTotal Score\tAverage Score")
        for i in range(len(student_all)):
            for j in range(len(student_all[i])):
                print(student_all[i][j],end = "   \t")
            print()#output a new line

    elif number == "6":
        name = input("Please input the student name whose score you will input:")
        for i in range(len(student_all)):
            if name in student_all[i]:
                '''Score input'''
                french = int(input("Please input "+name+"'s French score:"))
                math = int(input("Please input " + name + "'s Math score:"))
                english = int(input("Please input " + name + "'s English score:"))
                sum_score = french + math + english
                avg_score = sum_score//3
                '''Store the score in the student list'''
                student_all[i][2] = french
                student_all[i][3] = math
                student_all[i][4] = english
                student_all[i][5] = sum_score
                student_all[i][6] = avg_score

                print("Name\tAge\tFrench\tMath\tEnglish\tTotal Score\tAverage Score")
                for i in student_all[i]:
                    print(i,end = "   \t")
                print()#output a new line
            print(name, " does not exist.")

    elif number == "7":
        score = []#used for storing student's total score
        for i in range(len(student_all)):

        all = student_all[:]
        '''bubble sort duplicated list based on total scores,'''
        for i in range(len(all)-1):
            for j in range(len(all)-1-i):
                if score[j] < score[j+1]:
                    s = score[j]
                    score[j] = score[j+1]
                    score[j+1] = s

                    student1 = all[j]
                    all[j] = all[j+1]
                    all[j+1] = student1

        print("Name\tAge\tFrench\tMath\tEnglish\tTotal Score\tAverage Score\tRanking")
        for i in range(len(all)):
            for j in range(len(all[i])):
                print(all[i][j],end = "   \t")
            print(i+1)#output a new line
    elif number == "8":
        score = []#used for storing score of one course
        course_name = int(input("Please pick one course(1.French 2.Math 3.English)"))
        if course_name == 1 or course_name == 2 or course_name == 3:
            for i in range(len(student_all)):
        all = student_all[:]
        '''bubble sort the duplicated list based on the score'''
        for i in range(len(all)-1):
            for j in range(len(all)-1-i):
                if score[j] < score[j+1]:
                    s = score[j]
                    score[j] = score[j+1]
                    score[j+1] = s

                    student1 = all[j]
                    all[j] = all[j+1]
                    all[j+1] = student1

        print("Name\tAge\tFrench\tMath\tEnglish\tTotal Score\tAverage Score\tRanking")
        for i in range(len(all)):
            for j in range(len(all[i])):
                print(all[i][j],end = "   \t")
            print(i+1)#output a new line


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