Python 7 Levels

This course is for kids aged 10-14.

|____Python Level 1
| |____Unit 1 Hello World
| |____Unit 2 Print
| |____Unit 3 Magic Variable
| |____Unit 4 Basic Operations
| |____Unit 5 Data Types
| |____Unit 6 Data Input
| |____Unit 7 GUI design I
| |____Unit 8 GUI design II
|____Python Level 2
| |____Unit 9 bool data type and relational operators
| |____Unit 10 if statement
| |____Unit 11 Logical Operators
| |____Unit 12 Priority of Operators
| |____Unit 13 if else statement
| |____Unit 14 Multiple if Statements
| |____Unit 15 Nested if Statements
| |____Unit 16 Practice
| |____Unit 17 Rock Paper Scissor Shoot I
| |____Unit 18 Rock Paper Scissor Shoot II
|____Python Level 3
| |____Unit 19 while loop
| |____Unit 20 while loop practice
| |____Unit 21 guess number game
| |____Unit 22 for loop
| |____Unit 23 break and continue
| |____Unit 24 nested loop
| |____Unit 25 Pycharm and turtle
| |____Unit 26 mimic banking system I
| |____Unit 27 mimic banking system II
| |____Unit 28 Perpetual Calendar I
| |____Unit 29 Perpetual Calendar II
|____Python Level 4
| |____Unit 30 First Glance at List
| |____Unit 31 More Operations on Lists
| |____Unit 32 Common Algorithms for Lists
| |____Unit 33 Bubble Sort and Selection Sort
| |____Unit 34 Multidimensional Lists
| |____Unit 35 Student Performance Management System (Part 1)
| |____Unit 36 Student performance management system (Part 2)
| |____Unit 37 Student Information Management System (Part 1)
| |____Unit 38 Student Information Management System (Part 2)
| |____Unit 39 Tuple
| |____Unit 40 Dictionaries
| |____Unit 41 English-Chinese Dictionary
| |____Unit 42 String Operations
|____Python Level 5
| |____Unit 43 Glance at Functions
| |____Unit 44 Advanced functions
| |____Unit 45 Use of functions
| |____Unit 46 Object-oriented basics
| |____Unit 47 Object-oriented Example Exercises
| |____Unit 48 Student Information Management System
| |____Unit 49 Mall Shopping Management System (Part 1)
| |____Unit 50 Mall Shopping Management System (Part 2)
| |____Unit 51 Object-oriented advanced
| |____Unit 52 Library Management System (Part 1)
| |____Unit 53 Library Management System (Part 2)
| |____Unit 54 Object Oriented Advanced
| |____Unit 55 Modules
|____Python Level 6
| |____Unit 56 Windows and Basic Graphics
| |____Unit 57 Graphics and Basic Animation
| |____Unit 58 Animation Design
| |____Unit 59 Animated Sprites
| |____Unit 60 Billiards Mini Game (Part 1)
| |____Unit 61 Billiards Mini Game (Part 2)
| |____Unit 62 Event Input
| |____Unit 63 Table Tennis Game (Part 1)
| |____Unit 64 Table Tennis Game (Part 2)
| |____Unit 65 Airplane Game (Part 1)
| |____Unit 66 Airplane Game (Part 2)
| |____Unit 67 Pygame Sounds
| |____Unit 68 Air Fight (Part 1)
| |____Unit 69 Air Fight (Part 2)
| |____Unit 70 Air Fight (Part 3)
|____Python Level 7
| |____Unit 71 exception
| |____Unit 72 documents
| |____Unit 73 First Glance at tkinter
| |____Unit 74 tkinter common components
| |____Unit 75 Layout Manager
| |____Unit 76 GUI interface example exercises
| |____Unit 77 event handling
| |____Unit 78 Remainder Gadget
| |____Unit 79 tkinter version guessing number game
| |____Unit 80 tkinter more components
| |____Unit 81 Simple Notepad (Part 1)
| |____Unit 82 Simple Notepad (Part 2)
| |____Unit 83 Simple drawing tools (Part 1)
| |____Unit 84 Simple drawing tools (Part 2)


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